Hello! Where do I begin? From the beginning, perhaps? As a young girl, writing was always appealing. If I wasn’t reading about living in a fantasy world, I was creating them. My life has always been a melting pot of creativity. It’s my happy place— aside from being amongst nature or at a gig.
Here, I will blog about anything that springs to mind. They may be random thoughts. Not all my blogs will be about reading or writing, but you may find them relatable. Some may even consist of excerpts from my works in progress.
I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for twenty-five years. In that time research and treatment has advanced at a rate I never thought I’d ever see in my lifetime.
After a relapse compromised my mobility I worked from home as a comic illustrator and then went on to creating natural skincare. Another flare-up affected the dexterity of my hands. It was then, that I realised my aspirations to become a writer, could finally happen.
Born in London, I spent my youth living in the Hertfordshire countryside before returning to city life, studying fashion design and technology at the London College of Fashion.
Having spent three years living in the Rhône Alpes, I subsequently returned to the UK. Now in East Sussex, I spend my time writing blogs and novels. Although I have written children’s stories and a book on Multiple Sclerosis, Being Ines is my first published novel. When I’m not writing, I can be heard laughing a lot, eating chocolate and reading.