Eva Talks About...

When People Pull Together…

Nothing warms my heart more, than kindness. This is kindness and solidarity at its finest. Homelessness is a HUGE problem in the UK, none more so than in London. Thanks to Hazel Jhugroo, founder of The People’s Army @peoplesarmyldn , a small but mighty group of volunteers, who make things happen. Providing thousands of meals, cooked in a single oven at a church hall kitchen, they ensure that the homeless and families who are faced with visiting food banks as a result of the pandemic, eat. Creating a variety of dishes with limited food supplies and with smiles as big as their hearts, Hazel and her army are a perfect example of benevolence and selflessness.

It saddens me that in this day and age, there is so much poverty and hardship, particularly in a first world country. We as humans have the capacity to reach out and help others in dire circumstances. Every one of these people and families have a story behind their plight. Obviously, I don’t expect you all to drop everything and head to their kitchen (although they can always do with extra help), but a small (or generous) donation for food aid would be very much appreciated.

Take care, Eva x


Photography: Ellie-Marisa Laudriec ©

Eva Talks About...

What Makes a Best Seller?

Having completed my first novel, it is now in the hands of a professional proofreader, for the fine tuning. I have become word blind, and as such have reached out for help. I’m proud and excited, yet nervous. Will people want to read it? Will they hate it or love it? Slate it or commend it?

I have already started book #2. I’m thrilled and full of ideas that need to be formatted into a story.

Now, the question which has been going around my noggin like a head worm on a perpetual mission, to drive me to distraction is this: What makes a book a best seller?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a slight on the author or their work, but more out of curiosity. I have read best sellers which are no better, if not worse than a book which has had very little exposure, yet I find these hidden gems to be real page turners, with great writing style. So, does a best seller become one, out of great marketing? Is it the P.R which boosts the exciting buzz of a new ‘must read’ to be launched soon, than a humble riveting read with a small voice making its announcement of ‘Cooee, here I am.’

I’m off to eat some mint chocolate and surf the internet for cute animal pictures, now. My brain hurts after all that pondering.

Take care, Eva x
