Eva Talks About...

New Term, New Starts…

So, my life has changed in the last few weeks…in fact, for all of our family. We have welcomed a beautiful baby girl who has, by all intents and purposes rocked our world. Becoming a grandmother at fifty-one has been an experience, a feeling, that even as a writer, I find it difficult to put into words. When you become a parent, you’re in awe of the tiny poop making machine cradled in your arms and now I’m in awe of the baby I brought into this world who has now brought a life in of her own. My baby girl has had a baby girl.

I haven’t held a newborn in fourteen years, and admittedly, as my daughter passed her baby to me, I was overwhelmed at how tiny this brand new milk-drunk miracle that she and her other-half have created. I knew from that moment on, life would never be the same again. We have become grandparents and are besotted. Just as when you become a parent and your instinct is to protect your child, history has come full circle and this time, it’s our grandchild. We feel the need to love, guide and protect her. Our granddaughter is a brand new human being and it’s our job to support the new parents in every way from here on in, give and take some spoiling and acclimatisation to the chaos and craziness that is her family. Just like becoming a parent is a privilege and a blessing, so is becoming a grandparent, and I for one, take this role very seriously.

In all of this, August has most definitely been a time for new starts and new experiences. As the adage goes, “when one door closes, another one opens”. My middle child is embarking on a new chapter in her education. After spending most of her summer working to earn her own dough, she has been exposed to the grim reality of human nature; for all the wonderful people she’s served at the hotel she’s employed at, she’s also come across total ass-hats…mostly females. Sadly, or maybe it’s not, depends on how you see it (me, I see it as a plus) she’s realised that not all women are as supportive as these motivational memes that flood the internet, drone on about…not all women will fix your crown if it slips. No, sireeee. They’d sooner stamp on it. As a result, these experiences have been a good lesson to prepare for her next stage of life. This summer I’ve seen my daughter transition from a school kid to a young woman who earns her own money and quite frankly has her shit together. College life awaits, as do new adventures with fabulous likeminded friends.

My boy is now turning into a young man; this summer he has grown in stature and this was tested at a time where daughter number two who towered over him is now just below his maximum height and strength. She tried to push him. he barely moved. Since that day, all pushing and shoving has ceased. His voice has also broken…that was weird when I first heard it. It still is. I hear a guy talking and I’m wondering who’s in the house. Oh, oh yeah, just my son growing into a young man. Whaaaa!? Now he’s embarking on the final two years of school life. Ever seen Harry Enfield’s Kevin and Perry? This is life chez Lauder. It’s a barrage of huffing out lots of hot air through flared nostrils, gasps of frustration and arm flapping…and that’s just me. I joke. It’s a tumultuous combination of hormonal teens and mother.

This summer has proven to be memorable in so many ways, and in all honesty, I can’t wait for the next couple of months….oh, and I’m about to publish my second book and the third is well under way, which I’m having a lot of fun with. Life is good, when you go with the flow.

Take care, Eva x

By Eva Lauder

An indie author who happens to be a lover of all things contemporary romance, funny, minty, and chocolate…preferably all at once.

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