Nothing warms my heart more, than kindness. This is kindness and solidarity at its finest. Homelessness is a HUGE problem in the UK, none more so than in London. Thanks to Hazel Jhugroo, founder of The People’s Army @peoplesarmyldn , a small but mighty group of volunteers, who make things happen. Providing thousands of meals, cooked in a single oven at a church hall kitchen, they ensure that the homeless and families who are faced with visiting food banks as a result of the pandemic, eat. Creating a variety of dishes with limited food supplies and with smiles as big as their hearts, Hazel and her army are a perfect example of benevolence and selflessness.
It saddens me that in this day and age, there is so much poverty and hardship, particularly in a first world country. We as humans have the capacity to reach out and help others in dire circumstances. Every one of these people and families have a story behind their plight. Obviously, I don’t expect you all to drop everything and head to their kitchen (although they can always do with extra help), but a small (or generous) donation for food aid would be very much appreciated. https://www.gofundme.com/f/peoplesarmyfoodaid
Take care, Eva x

Photography: Ellie-Marisa Laudriec ©